Kyoungup Im Apps

Bible Chart 1.3
Kyoungup Im
* You can complete bible whole reading onetimewhen you read only 5 chapters a day, 5 days a week! *Bible Reading Chart Program.You can know your reading speed, days when you completereading,and chapters to read a day for target date on'Sum'(Summary)page.There are quick-bible-reading-chart what your recent readbibletext. You can update your reading chapters quickly.You can pop-up chapter checking window touching biblename(e.g.Genesis) or listed chapters.You can pop-up 'check all' window by long-touch.Basic bible reading charts are also available. I devide bibletothree part - OLD testament 1, Old testament 2, and NewTestament.You can set follows on 'Option' page.- Start Reading Date- Target Reading Date- Erease Reading Data (to start new reading)You don't have to set Start Reading Date, because it issetautomatically when you read first.For more information, pleasevisit: you.* Keyword: Bible Reading, Bible Reading Table, BibleReadingChart, Bible Reading Schedule